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Showing posts from June, 2021

Shakuntala Devi - Lessons for Small Businesses

In  a period when mental calculations were wading-off by entry of calculators and computers, there was a human who could outdo the speed of such machines and entered Guinness Book of Records. She was "Shakuntala Devi" also called as "HUMAN COMPUTER". Born in 1929 into a poor family, Shakuntala's innate skills of being able to remember numbers and perform mental calculations were noticed by her father. With no formal education the child prodigy went to show case her skills around the world. When viewing her life from a business perspective there are lessons that Micro and Small Business can takeaway for their growth, profitability, sustainability. Belief:  It was 1955, a few years after India got independence Shakuntala Devi was interviewed by Leslie Mitchell for BBC. That was a period when western dominance was not yet fully out from Indian minds. Shakuntala was given a complex problem by the host which she solved in few seconds. Mitchell told that Shakuntala